Frequently asked questions
Does Indigroup work throughout Lithuania?
Indigroup’s selection area covers Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Although Indigroup’s office in Lithuania is based in Vilnius, we carry out recruitment projects throughout Lithuania. We also recruit without a location parameter, i.e. when the person you are looking for can live anywhere in Lithuania.
How many selections can Indigroup make at one time?
Indigroup can carry out a maximum of 30 different position selections per country at any one time, e.g. in Lithuania. Usually some of the positions are similar, so the total number of simultaneous selections may be higher.
Is there a guarantee for Indigroup services?
Yes, a guarantee is an essential attribute of our recruitment services, so we provide a guarantee or insurance for all recruitment projects without exception, during which we replace an unsuccessful candidate with a new one free of charge.
What positions Indigroup is recruiting for?
Indigroup recruits professionals, high-level professionals, middle managers and C-level executives. Indigroup does not recruit support staff or lower level staff in the hall, production, kitchen, sales and production areas. We believe that specialisation adds quality to our services, so we only recruit employees at the highest and most senior levels.
Can we contact Indigroup for confidential recruitments?
Yes, Indigroup carries out confidential recruitments. In total, around 30% of all Indigroup recruitments are completely confidential and we only reach out to candidates through direct contact, not through public messaging. Confidential recruitments do not reveal the identity of the employer until the employer themselves confirm that they wishes to communicate directly with approved candidates.