Candidate database for recruitment – is it effective?
Recruitment companies are often asked if they have a candidate database, but rarely do they look into what is behind this question and what a quality candidate database should look like. The basic parameters of a database are 5:
Dedicated person
Is there a dedicated person responsible for maintaining and updating the database. Normally, if there is no such specialist, the database records increase in volume but the information is difficult to find. Usually in that case the candidate categories are outdated, the new candidate categories are not fully populated, and the use of the database leads to a rejection of the database by the HR professionals.
Is the database populated in accordance with GDPR. This parameter is particularly important as the candidate, by entrusting his/her personal information to the database, needs to be assured of compliance with the GDPR and the security of his/her data. Proper use of the candidate database must ensure that it complies with all GDPR requirements
Whether the database is stand-alone or has integrations with partner databases. Any experienced recruiter can confirm that there is nothing more inefficient than reviewing different databases and having many duplicate candidates in them. If the internal database is integrated with partner databases, the search for results is much faster and the accuracy of results is much higher.
Popularity of the database and attracting candidates to the database. In order to have a large and high quality database, it is necessary to ensure that candidates are willing to place their data in the database. This requires constant publicity about the database, investment in employer branding, etc.
Old candidate data needs to be updated, which requires communication with the candidates in the database. Communication may be by newsletters or by direct individual letters, but not by direct live contact with the database participants. Easy access for candidates to update their details should be provided, and encouragement should preferably be in writing, as working candidates avoid face-to-face communication during the job search
Thus, a candidate database can be both an inefficient, outdated jumble of records and a well-functioning, efficient recruitment system. The database is considered to be a fundamental tool in the headhunting approach. This is why a quality database is a rather resource-intensive but extremely important tool for both the internal HR department of a company and the recruitment company.